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DonQuixote: Bitte lösche, was Du nicht für wichtig erachtest.
Studie 1
Baclofen for the Treatment of Alcohol Dependence and Possible Role of Comorbid Anxiety (09/2014)
To conduct a double-blind, placebo-controlled randomized clinical trial of baclofen in the treatment of alcohol dependence. Methods: Out of 69 participants consecutively screened, 42 alcohol-dependent patients were randomized to receive placebo, baclofen 30 mg/day or baclofen 60 mg/day for 12 weeks. All subjects were offered BRENDA, a structured psychosocial therapy for alcohol dependence that seeks to improve motivation for change, enhance strategies to prevent relapse and encourage compliance with treatment. Results: Intention-to-treat analyses revealed that alcohol consumption (heavy drinking days, drinks per drinking day) significantly reduced across all three groups during the treatment period. There were no statistically significant advantages to treatment on time to first heavy drinking day (relapse) (P = 0.08), nor time to first drink (lapse) (P = 0.18). A post hoc analysis stratifying according to whether there had been a comorbid anxiety disorder, revealed a beneficial effect of baclofen 30 mg/day versus placebo on time to lapse and relapse (P < 0.05). There was also a beneficial effect for baclofen 60 mg/day relative to placebo on time to relapse in this comorbid group (P < 0.05). Both doses of baclofen were well tolerated. There were no serious adverse events. Conclusions: In spite of the small sample for a 3-arm clinical trial, this study suggests a specific role of baclofen in alcohol-dependent individuals with comorbid anxiety. Replication in larger, fully-powered studies is required.
Studie 2
We conducted a meta-analysis in order to estimate the efficacy of baclofen on the maintenance of abstinence and the decrease of craving in alcohol-dependent patients. Methods. All randomized controlled clinical trials assessing baclofen for at least four weeks' treatment duration versus placebo or other comparators were included. The primary outcome measure was the percentage of patients who had not consumed alcohol at the end of the treatment. Measures of cumulative abstinence and indexes of craving were also assessed. Results. Compared to placebo, baclofen was associated with a significant increase of 179% in the percentage of abstinent patients at the end of the trial, without heterogeneity. For secondary outcome measures, based on a random-effect model, no significant effect of baclofen was observed compared to placebo. Conclusions. Our meta-analysis brings weak support towards an efficacy of low dosages of baclofen on the maintenance of abstinence in alcohol-dependent patients.
© 2014 Société Française de Pharmacologie et de Thérapeutique.
Efficacité du baclofène sur l’abstinence et le craving chez les patients alcoolo-dépendants : une méta-analyse des essais cliniques randomisés et contrôlés
Nicolas Lesouef1, Florelle Bellet1, Geneviève Mounier1 and Marie-Noëlle Beyens1,2
1 Centre régional de Pharmacovigilance de la Loire, Centre hospitalier et universitaire de Saint-Étienne, Saint-Étienne, France
2 EA3065, Groupe de recherche sur la thrombose, Université Jean-Monnet, Saint-Étienne, France
Correspondence and offprints: Nicolas Lesouef, CRPV CHU Hôpital Nord Bât A Niveau 0, 42055 Saint-Étienne Cedex 02, France. E-mail:
Nous avons réalisé une méta-analyse afin d’estimer l’efficacité du baclofène sur le maintien de l’abstinence et la réduction du craving chez les patients alcoolo-dépendants.
Tous les essais cliniques contrôlés et randomisés évaluant le baclofène pendant au moins 4 semaines de traitement versus placebo ou autres comparateurs étaient inclus. Le critère d’évaluation principal était le pourcentage de patients qui n’avaient pas consommé d’alcool à la fin du traitement. Les mesures du nombre de jours cumulatifs d’abstinence et du craving étaient également évaluées.
Comparé au placebo, le baclofène était associé à une augmentation significative de 179 % du pourcentage de patients abstinents à la fin de l’essai clinique, sans hétérogénéité. Pour les critères d'évaluation secondaires, basés sur un modèle aléatoire, aucun effet significatif du baclofène était observé.
Conclusion. Notre méta-analyse apporte une faible évidence de l’efficacité du baclofène à faibles doses sur le maintien de l’abstinence chez les patients alcoolo-dépendants.
Studie 3
Neue Baclofen-Studien 2014
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Re: Neue Baclofen-Studien 2014
Great article! I am so glad to read this informative post. Thanks for sharing. I am also a medical student and just finished a research on OCD. I made the reports based on the information that I got after talking with .
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